Welcome to MEDIA CONNECT — the former home of Planned Television Arts. As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we enter into a new chapter of our company life as a full-service media placement provider.
While we continue to be one of the industry leaders in book publicity, we are much more. MEDIA CONNECT also partners with leading associations, nonprofits and companies to deliver their message on a national level. Our National TV and Print campaigns, including in-house Satellite TV, Morning Drive Radio and Online Tours, ensure you the greatest impact with today’s media. View highlights of our past 50 years.
Dr. Neal Baer, the author of The Promise and Peril of CRISPR was interviewed by Robyn Williams on The Science Show on ABC Radio (Australian Broadcasting Company) - Link here
Thank you for helping me take my book to the next level.
JOANI GELTMAN, MSW, author of A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens (AMACOM)