Title/Author: At Any Cost: Overcoming Every Obstacle to Bring Our Children Home/Mike & Hayley Jones
Publisher: Worthy Publishing
Description: MEDIA CONNECT was hired for a boutique campaign for At Any Cost, which is a powerful memoir about a couple that adopted eight siblings from Sierra Leone, making them the Jones Dozen. The campaign consisted of National Broadcast campaign, a Morning Drive Radio Tour and Nashville Media.
The campaign is still underway, but here are a few media highlights:
Nashville Media:
We’re so grateful to have partners like Kristin and the team at Media Connect. From the moment we first discuss each new project, we can count on a professional experience, from defining expectations, to detailed client communications, to consistent media results and reporting. Our authors rave about the level of service we receive.
KATIE BOND, Director of Marketing and Publicity; Fiction, HarperCollins Christian Publishing