A new personal finance book promoted by Media Connect, Wealthy by Design: A Five-Step Plan for Financial Security by Kimberly Foss, CFP; CPWA (Greenleaf Book Group), debuted on The New York Times Bestseller List this July, 2013. With more than 30 years in the wealth management industry, and CEO of Empyrion Wealth Management, this California-based author focuses on niche investors, distinguishing her from the competition.
Media Connect has successfully secured interviews with USA Today, Consumer Reports, Dow Jones Newswire and U.S News & World Report. As part of the customized publicity campaign for Wealthy by Design, Media Connect has arranged over 50 radio interviews for Foss, including Sirius XM, WGN in Chicago, KYW in Philadelphia, and Radio America. Foss appeared on the Christian Broadcast Network’s The 700 Club and has been invited back for later this summer. Foss has also been interviewed by CNBC.com, Examiner.com and Canada’s Globe & Mail to discuss her book and lend advice to investors of every kind.
MediaConnect was instrumental in helping me build my personal brand alongside raising awareness for the book. In addition getting quality reviews and feature pieces about my book, they also helped place several bylined articles in great publications, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek and Fast Company, that helped establish me as a thought leader.
DAVID BURKUS, author of The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas