Elite Daily recently listed Anna Foster as life balance expert in a piece that offers recommendations for finding balance while remaining on top of your game at work. Foster is the founder and CEO of A Maven's World, a leading female empowerment organization that strives to provide resources for women to achieve their goals.
As a first time author of my Children's book, Anzard, Media Connect has done an amazing job to promote me on a national level as if I were a best seller. Their efforts were tireless in getting me air time with radio interviewers in many states, they got me me a small army of enthusiastic 'Mommy Bloggers' to promote my book and they even got me registered in many gift guides for the holidays. It's not just the professionalism that I appreciate it's how they never give up, they stay in touch and they treat you with the utmost respect. I'm on my second Children's book and when it's done I'm calling Media Connect, and its great team, to do the marketing and promotion.
CHRISTOPHER CONROY, Self-published author of Anzard