The Gannett-owned Journal News (part of Lohud) in Westchester, NY featured a story about Paint Your Hair Blue, a remarkable story about a brave 11-year-old, diagnosed with cancer, who survives for five years and in that time creates the Taylor Matthews Foundation, which has raised over 1.5 million to fight pediatric cancer. Sue Matthews, the co-author, has also been interviewed by WOR-Radio in NY, The Patch, LifeHacker, and dozens of radio interviews in pre-launch platform building.
“It has been a pleasure to work with Media Connect on promoting my book.. Their hard work, determination to succeed and sheer enthusiasm for my work has led to a lot of great media coverage and inspired me to reach for the stars. Enthusiastic, honest, determined, thorough, persistent and, of course, connected.. that's how I would describe Media Connect and their great team. A true professional outfit with a heart of gold!”
JONATHAN FERRARA, artist and author of Guns in the Hands of Artists (Inkshares)