WATCH: MC Client George Wallace on The View

MEDIA CONNECT client, comedian George Wallace, appeared on ABC’s The View as part of the hosts’ favorite comedians segment and also to promote his book Laff It Off!

Wallace was chosen by co-host Whoopi Goldberg as her favorite comedian. Whoopi started off the segment by asking Wallace about his friendship with Jerry Seinfeld, his stand-up gig in Las Vegas, and his hilarious “Yo Mamma!” jokes. After the interview Wallace was given a chance to do a short stand-up routine for the The View hosts and audience. Wallace left everyone in fits of laughter over jokes on subjects as varying as Baskin-Robbins, the weather, and The Olympics.

WATCH the full stand-up routine to hear all of Wallace’s laugh out loud jokes.



MediaConnect was instrumental in helping me build my personal brand alongside raising awareness for the book. In addition getting quality reviews and feature pieces about my book, they also helped place several bylined articles in great publications, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek and Fast Company, that helped establish me as a thought leader.
— DAVID BURKUS, author of The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas