WATCH: DHL Spokesperson on Bloomberg TV & Radio

DHL spokesperson and NYU professor Pankaj Ghemawat appeared on Bloomberg TV’s “Taking Stock” program with host Pimm Fox to discuss the DHL Global Connectiveness Index. “Taking Stock” is a program of business interviews and financial news analysis broadcast daily on Bloomberg Radio & Bloomberg. Ghemawat spoke on how the index is bring facts and data to the debate around the globalization of business. He explained how DHL is measuring date like which countries call each other the most, where the tourists are going, and where students move from to. Based on this data, Ghemawat offered the top 10 most connected countries, with the Netherlands taking first place.


Watch the full interview to learn more about DHL and the globalization of business on



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— DAVID BURKUS, author of The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas