Managing Director of MEDIA CONNECT

For the past thirty years David Hahn has counseled hundreds of clients, helping each one to develop their unique brand and execute an effective publicity campaign.

Many clients have been bestselling authors over the years including President Jimmy Carter, Charlene Li, Harvey Mackay, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Nelson deMille, Bill George, Dick De Vos, Ken Blanchard, Teresa Amabile, David Burkus, Nelson DeMille, Herb Kelleher, Marcus Buckingham, Matthew Bishop, Dr. Cristal Glangchai, Ambassador Gianna Angelopoulos and many others.

His publishing clients include Harvard Business Review Press, McGraw Hill, Crown Business Books, Wiley, Portfolio Books, St. Martins Press, HarperCollins, Putnam Publishing Group, Zondervan Publishing, Thomas Nelson, Baker Book House,  and Berrett Koehler.

Named Managing Director of MEDIA CONNECT (a division of Finn Partners) in 2007, David now oversees all the agency’s operations including full service Book Publicity Campaigns, Satellite TV Tours, Morning Drive Radio Tours, Celebrity Matching Service, Corporate Media Tours, and Online Marketing Services.   He also continues to oversee MC’s award-winning Business Book division.

David joined MEDIA CONNECT (originally Planned TV Arts) in 1986 after working at The Putnam Publishing Group in the early 80's in their marketing department.

An avid soccer fan he enjoys travel, gardening, tennis, and as much reading as he can squeeze in alongside the MEDIA CONNECT books! An alumnus of Swarthmore College and New York University with a B.A. in English Literature, David lives in Nyack, New York and has five wonderful adult children: Emily, Jamie, Christian, Jocelyn and Alex.



"A big THANK YOU.. we made the New York Times best sellers list for the 3rd week, and better---we moved up to #11 on the hardcover list and made all 3 of the other eligible lists. I credit you and the PR you've garnered for this great victory."