MEDIA CONNECT conducted a boutique campaign for the founder and CEO of Sheffield Marketing Partners on a business communications book that provides a step-by-step approach to getting to the point quickly and ensuring that your message is delivered with maximum impact. With real-world case studies and illustrative examples of messaging successes—and failures—author and senior marketing executive Joseph McCormack provides easy-to-follow tips for communicating more effectively and efficiently in a world with shortened attention spans. Media Connect executed a national campaign with an emphasis on traditional media (print, TV, radio), online outlets, as well as speaking engagements. Media Connect developed the press materials.
Results: The book has received widespread positive coverage in the business press and general consumer media. Joe McCormack appeared on CBS This Morning, First Business, as well as local Chicago and North Carolina TV. The book was featured in Fortune, Publishers Weekly, The Charlotte Observer, Investor’s Business Daily, and on,, and more. Joe also gave a luncheon speech with the IABC Charlotte chapter.
Media Highlights:
Just hire 'em. They are among the best in the business, and we couldn't have sold nearly 20,000 books so far without them.
HAL RUNKEL RUNKEL, LMFT, Author of ScreamFreeParenting: Raising Your Kids By Keeping Your Cool