Title/Author: The Miracle of the Kurds: A Remarkable Story of Hope Reborn In Northern Iraq / Stephen Mansfield
Publisher: Worthy Publishing
Description: MEDIA CONNECT promoted The Miracle of the Kurds: A Remarkable Story of Hope Reborn In Northern Iraq (Worthy Publishing) by bestselling author Stephen Mansfield. The Kurds, descendants of the ancient Medes best known today from the pages of the Bible —are the inhabitants of what the world now calls Northern Iraq. Mansfield chronicles how Saddam Hussein brutally attempted to annihilate them, massacring hundreds of thousands of them in the process, and how those that survived have rebuilt and overcome oppression to create a homeland now called a “must-see destination” by National Geographic.
MEDIA CONNECT secured media placements many top television and radio placements including the following:
Thanks, PTA, for providing great support throughout my book-publishing experience. Rick Frishman was a great coach and mentor, providing great contacts and connections, followed by his team's effective public relations plan, so capably executed by Dannelle Catlett...PTA was a 360 resource in putting MBA in a DAY into the market!